Lady Gaga is coming out with a perfume scented like blood and semen. That's nothing. I'm working on a smell too. It's called "Grilled." No, it doesn't smell like a BBQ... It smells like... Well, you know what, it does. It smells like a BBQ. A BBQ doused in victory... Alright, all of this is lies, except for Lady Gaga's new perfume. Whore.
Semen?!? Really? Where are Seth and Amy on this one? Anyways, I found out about said scent while I was painting the basement of Wadzilla Mansion. It's haunted down there. This little girl ghost showed up... She was all ugly and transparent. She said: "Ian, try Lady Gaga's new perfume." And I was like: "Whaaa?!?!"
"It's scented like semen and blood..." She said.
"But, but, but, I'm a guy..."
"It doesn't matter." She said.
"Wait, who the hell are you?" I asked.
"I am the ghost of Gaga past."
"LEAVE ME ALONE!" I screamed! And she did.
So then I put my headphones on and cranked Radiohead's 10 01 album on repeat for the next four hours... Good times. Anyways, here is a composite photo of the mural I painted at the Wadzilla Mansion. The second photo is a detail shot. Both images are composites of many photos. The ghost were really messing with my technology down there, so this was the only option I had. Click either image for a larger view.
I'm also currently working on a video that features the process of this mural, time-lapse style. The camera didn't have a time-lapse function so I had a one minute timer going, and every minute I would take a photo. But, speaking of BBQs, I just drew this little ditty to represent my crew. FatFace Culture. I like it. It will hopefully be a tee-shirt or some stickers soon. Stay tuned for that.