If you think that getting eaten by a whale and plotting an epic-ass escape was all I did in the last four months, you might as well be Dak to the might of the Dark Side. All I'm saying is there's so much you don't know about me. For instance: Did you know that I was the first human to teleport. Or that I was the first human (undocumented) to perfect the art of cloning. Oh yes. So so true. How do you think I get soooo much done? Elves? Hahaha. Fuck elves. I am ianumerable. I am without boundaries. I am ianfinite.
So, while I was in Herbert's tumtum. One of my clones (we'll call him Clone A to avoid confusion) had the opportunity to hang out with the Hall. GentlemenHall that is. God I love these dudes! Clone A and Gavin had a really good chill session, of course Jake and Heather L. were around too. Gavin had Clone A paint a guitar he had sitting around, see? And of course Clone A was like, duh! A's only demand was enough Coka-Cola to rot his brain from his head. Oh, how he obliged. So here are the photos, some by A and some by Gavin, who live tweeted the whole ordeal. Haha, how modern...

I will be sending a clone out to Casa de Hall to get a better photo very soon. A photo of the guitar on the wall. And maybe a photo of the mountain of empty coke cans that Clone A produced. And maybe a flick of the elusive "coke can mountain man." He's really not too terrifying.
(I will now assume A's perspective, also to avoid confusion)
On my way home from the Hall House I was walking along, minding my own business, when all of a sudden, I got hit in the face by a butterfly. I was fast. So I grabbed the little bugger out of the air. It sure was a pretty butterfly! I named him Calhoon. Good ol' Cal really started to look like a piece of pizza in the sunlight. So I ate him. He was delicious. I think he was also a multidimensional gateway. No, not like Stargate. More like Sliders. Anyways, he took me to a dimension where people were Bic pens and everything else in the world was a sketchbook. That's where I produced these:

Let me now send out an apology to the people of that dimension: I always chew on my pens... Sorry.
When I (iansanity original) finally escaped the stomach of the great whale Herbert, it was just in time for my wedding! Thanks to everyone who helped make that shit happen. Definitely the best day of my life. Thank any and all deities that helped align whatever planets and astro-fields that made our meeting possible, destiny I suppose.
Alright, enough with the sap... Coming up in the next episode: I'm going to tell you about the work that I did for Virtue & DJ Emoh Betta's debut collaborative album "Following Wild." I will walk you through the process of making the zine "I Can't Just Breath." Perhaps I'll even have a little video made up for it... But we'll see...
The next couple episodes will contain all the following: A whole bunch of photos that the clones have been taking. Emoh Betta's logo (came out dope). Some discussion about the work I'm doing for The Wonder Mics. Live painting results from the Gentlemen Hall / Casey Desmond show. Some more sketches. Live painting results from the Nick D benefit show. A visit to friend, Goldenstash's studio (in pictures). The PT Burnem / Eyenine tour poster I did for the Computer Rock Tour. Work that I've been doing for CafeNation in Brighton. Work I'm doing for The Doctors Fox. And the logo I did for Animal Farm, a talented group of musicians making music for kids. And of course I'm sure there will be more...
"I hustle just to hustle."